Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2004, 50, 194-199

Aneuploidy in the Transgenic Rabbit

Vladimír Parkányi1, P. Chrenek1, J. Rafay1, K. Süvegová1, R. Jurčík1, A. V. Makarevich1, J. Pivko1, L. Hetényi1, R. K. Paleyanda2

1Research Institute of Animal Production (RIAP), Nitra, Slovak Republic
2American Integrated Biologics, Inc., E. Woodstock, USA

Received November 2004
Accepted November 2004

The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the karyotypes between transgenic and non-transgenic or control rabbits. New Zealand White transgenic rabbits (F1 generation) were obtained after breeding of transgenic founder rabbits that were derived from single ñ SM ñ or double microinjection DM with a WAP-hFVIII transgene. C-metaphase plates were obtained from short-time culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes synchronized by the addition of colcemide. A significantly higher rate of aneuploidy was observed in c-metaphase spreads of transgenic (56-66%) rabbits, as compared to non-transgenic ones (28-38%) (P < 0.05; P < 0.01). The patterns of chromosome banding were identical in both groups of rabbits. No structural aberrations were revealed in either group. These findings demonstrate that transgenic rabbits have a higher frequency of numerical chromosomal aberrations in their peripheral blood lymphocytes than normal rabbits, but without apparent deleterious effects on health or reproduction.


This work received support from grant No. 2003 SP51/028 09 00/028 09 03 coordinated by the Slovak Academy of Science.


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