Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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The manuscripts are submitted online via the ONLINE SUBMISSION AND MANUSCRIPT TRACKING SYSTEM.

Before the submission, the corresponding author must register to the system and validate the newly created account, using a validation code and a link received by email upon registration.

For the submission, prepare your manuscript files:

a) Manuscript text in Microsoft Word program (containing: title page, abstract page, manuscript text, references, figure legends and tables). A format-free manuscript is allowed during the first submission; see details in the information for authors.

b) Cover letter. Please, briefly formulate the reason of the submission. State clearly, that the manuscript complies with all the journal requirements that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere, and that all the authors contributed significantly to the manuscript and read and approved the final version. Also declare any conflicts of interests. In the cover letter you may also suggest up to 3 potential reviewers (experts in the field, including their full names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses) or indicate individuals you do not wish to be involved in the review process.

c) Preview of manuscript. This file will be used to facilitate the review process and should contain the full manuscript with all figures, tables and legends embedded in the corresponding part of the text.

d) Figures (photographs, line drawings, including graphs) should be submitted also separately as digital files in sufficient resolution according to the information for authors.

e) Supplementary Files may be provided according to the information for authors.


1) Log on the Folia Biologica Online Submission system. Click on “New manuscript”.

2) Fill in the manuscript title, name of the first author and paste the abstract text. Then upload your manuscript text and manuscript preview. The cover letter should be uploaded as an “attached document”. Manuscript figures will be uploaded in the next step, please confirm the question “Do you want to add figures? Confirm the upload by clicking “Add manuscript”.

3) In the following window, upload all individual high-resolution figures using “insert new figures” link and confirm the upload by clicking “add figures”. Using the link “Go to manuscript folder” you can check the completeness of the submission or add additional figures. The submission is now complete, as confirmed by the word “submitted” in the “status” lane.

4) Send any Supplementary materials (.pdf/.xls/.xlsx/.txt) intended for the internet version of the manuscript to the email address

5) If you need to fill in the new version of your manuscript, click on the “enter new version” command and you can now upload the modified text into the system. You will be asked to upload all three basic items again (manuscript, attached documents, preview). Keep the previous version of the manuscript in the system.

In case of technical problems, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office of Folia Biologica – Jiří Kábrt, Lucie Šulcová.


To support open access publishing Folia Biologica charges a publication fee of 500 EUR (or equivalents in CZK or USD specified in Payment Instructions) to all articles accepted for publishing. This fee is payable after editorial acceptance of manuscripts. Invited articles, corrections, and retractions are published free of charge. The payment is due within 15 days following the acceptance of the manuscript. Folia Biologica will issue an invoice for the publication fee.

front cover

ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

Open access journal

