Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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For Authors

Aims and scope

The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, short communications, and technical notes in a broad range of biomedical research including biology, biochemistry, and medicine.

The Folia Biologica journal does not consider:

Article types:

The text of Full-length research articles and Reviews should be restricted to 6000 words of the body text, without Title page, Abstract, Figures, Tables, Legends and References.

The length of Short Communications and Technical notes should be no more than around 2000 words of the body text.

No specific formatting of the manuscript is required at the time of the initial submission; however, the manuscript must include all necessary components (introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references) necessary for editorial assessment and peer review. The Title page and Abstract are mandatory for all submitted manuscripts. We encourage authors to include all tables and figures at the appropriate site within the text for the initial submission.

The Title Page must include:

The Abstract page of the manuscript must contain:

Ethical guidelines statement

The submitted manuscript must clearly state that all procedures related to use of human subjects and animals were conducted in compliance with all relevant EU laws and ethical guidelines and approved by the institutional ethical committee.

Upon acceptance

To be published, the accepted manuscript must be formatted by authors as follows:

Full-length research articles include the following elements: Title Page (Title, Running title, Key words, Names of all the authors (given name first), Affiliations of the authors, Corresponding author section, Abbreviations); Abstract; Introduction (with heading); Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion (or a combined section Results and Discussion); References. The full-length articles should not include more than 8 display items (Figures or Tables).

Short Communications should follow the same format and the number of display items (Figures or Tables) is limited to 4.

Review articles provide focused insight into relevant research areas. Reviews must be based on published articles and may address any scope of biomedicine or molecular and cellular biology. Authors are encouraged to include figures and tables that aid the understanding of the presented topic.

References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and typed double-spaced. First and last page numbers must be given. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index.

Examples of the style to be used are:

Every reference has to bring out all names of authors, abbreviations et al. are not acceptable.

References only to Abstracts are excluded.

References in the text should be cited as follows: two authors, Smith and Brown (1984) or (Smith and Brown, 1984); three or more authors, Smith et al. (1984) or (Smith et al., 1984). Reference to papers by the same author(s) in the same year should be distinguished in the text and in the reference list by lower-case letters, e.g. 1980a, or 1980a,b. All equipment and materials used must be identified and specified according to the manufacturer (distributor), including the City and State (in the case of USA abbreviated).

All equipment and materials used must be identified and specified according to the manufacturer (distributor).

Tables should be provided on separate pages in the manuscript following the References, including the Table legends. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Their contents should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. Lower-case letters should be used to indicate footnotes.

Figures (photographs, line drawings, including graphs) should be supplied as a separate high-resolution digital files in .TIFF, .JPG, or .EPS format. The resolution of colored and gray scale figures should be at least 300 dpi at final size and 600 dpi for line figures/drawings. Letters and numbers in the figures (in Arial or Helvetica font) should be kept uniform and be at least 2 mm high when printed.

Abbreviations. The use of abbreviations should be restricted to SI symbols and those recommended by the IUPAC-IUB. Abbreviations should be defined in brackets on first appearance in the text. Standard units of measurements and chemical symbols of elements may be used without definition. Alphabetical list of abbreviations should be provided on the abstract page.

Conflict of interest. Conflict of interest statements must be provided for all authors at the end of the manuscript.

Supplementary materials may include detailed methods, additional tables and figures and/or primary/processed data. The supplementary material will be published in the format supplied by the author (preferably in .pdf/.xls/.xlsx/.txt). The list of Supplementary materials with a short description (up to 60 letters per item) should be provided at the end of the manuscript.

Galley proofs are expected to be corrected and returned to the Editorial Office within 2 days via e-mail.

All authors must sign the Authorship agreement statement provided upon manuscript acceptance.

Ethical guidelines

All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission and are responsible for its content in the initial submission and any subsequent versions. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining agreements and for informing the coauthors of the manuscript's status throughout the submission, review, and publication process. All authors must sign the Declaration of Authors.

The authors guarantee that they have the authority to publish the work reported in the submitted manuscript and that the manuscript, or one with substantially the same content, was not published previously, or is not under consideration to be published elsewhere. By publishing in Folia Biologica, the authors agree that any DNA constructs, DNA sequences, vectors, viruses, bacterial and other microbial strains, mutant bacterial, yeast or animal strains, cell lines, antibodies, and similar materials newly described in the article are available from internationally recognized depositories or will be made available (in reasonable quantities, in a timely fashion, and at reasonable cost) to members of the scientific community for non-commercial purposes. The authors guarantee that they have the authority to comply with this policy either directly or by means of material transfer agreements through the owner. Use of Human Subjects or Animals in Research: The use of human subjects or other animals for research purposes must comply with European (and corresponding USA) laws and guidelines. Manuscripts containing information related to human or animal use should clearly state that all procedures performed throughout the work on the project have complied with ethical guidelines corresponding to relevant laws that were implemented by European Union member states and were included in institutional ethical policies. In case that institutional ethical guidelines for use of human subjects and animals may differ from the ethical guidelines implemented by the states of the European Union (e.g. in the case of research done in countries that are not part of the EU or the USA), authors are responsible for indicating such a situation in the Cover letter and attach the copy of the guidelines that were strictly implemented throughout the reported work.

Folia Biologica publishes only research that is in compliance with the ethical rules covered by laws regulating human and animal research that are covered by laws of the European Union.

Copies of guidelines that were followed throughout the work on the reported work must be provided to the Editor if requested.

front cover

ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

Open access journal

