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Actions necessary for submitting a manuscript:1) Prepare manuscript files.
a) Manuscript in Microsoft Word program (containing: title page, abstract on the separate page, manuscript text, references, figure legends, tables, and figures)
b) Cover letter with links to corresponding author and special circumstances, you wish to communicate to Editors. Please state any conflicts of interests, people of institutions you do not wish to be involved in the review process or suggest a potential reviewer (expert in the field).
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4) Click on Add manuscript.
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Folia Biologica has adopted the Open Access Policy, which allows reading and downloading all published articles to any person. The content of the articles published in Folia Biologica may be referred to in other publications upon the condition that the content is precisely cited and the article is properly referenced.
General guidelines
The text of full-length papers should generally be restricted to 10 printed pages (around 8000 words), whereas the length of Short Communications should be no more than 4 printed pages (around 3200 words): this includes all figures, tables and references. The papers should be submitted in the electronic format (PC-compatible) using Microsoft Word text processor.
Format of papers:
Full-length papers should include the following elements: Title Page; Abstract; Introduction (with heading); Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgement; References.
The Title Page should carry: page heading (running title no more than 60 characters including spaces); title of paper; keywords; Full name (in format: First name Middle initial Surename), of each author; name, city and country of each author’s institution; footnotes: (i) any footnotes regarding funding sources, (ii) full name (first name, middle initials, surname) and postal address of the author to whom the correspondence (including galley proofs) should be directed (Corresponding Author), (iii) alphabetically listed abbreviations.
The second page of the manuscript must contain an Abstract, which should be a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words. In Abstract, do not use standard abbreviations.
Short Communications should follow the same format, except that Results and Discussion are combined into one section. Short Communication must have an abstract.
A limited number of Review articles is published. Reviews are limited to a maximum of 10 printed pages (8000 words, excluding references) and provide focused insight into fast-developing areas. Reviews must be based on published articles and may address any of scope of molecular and cellular biology journal. Authors are encouraged to include figures and tables that aid the understanding of the presented topic.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and typed double-spaced. First and last page numbers must be given. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstract Service Source Index.
Examples of the style to be used are:
- Yokoyama, K., Gachelin, G. (1991) An Abnormal signal transduction pathway in CD4–CD8– double-negative lymph node cells of MRL lpr/lpr mice. Eur. J. Immunol. 21, 2987-2992.
- Lloyd, D., Poole, R. K., Edwards, S. W. (1992) The Cell Division Cycle. Temporal Organizationand Control of Cellular Growth and Reproduction. Academic Press, London.
- Teich, N. (1984) Taxonomy of retroviruses. In: RNA Tumor Viruses, eds. Weiss, R., Teich, N., Varmus, H., Coffin, J., pp. 25-207, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
Every reference has to bring out all names of authors, abbreviations et al. are not acceptable.
References only to Abstracts are excluded.
References in the text should be cited as follows: two authors, Smith and Brown (1984) or (Smith and Brown, 1984); three or more authors, Smith et al. (1984) or (Smith et al., 1984). Reference to papers by the same author(s) in the same year should be distinguished in the text and in the reference list by lower-case letters, e.g. 1980a, or 1980a,b. All equipment and materials used must be identified and specified according to the manufacturer (distributor), including the City and State (in the case of USA abbreviated).
Tables should be typed double-spaced on separate sheets of paper and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Their contents should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. Lower-case letters should be used to indicate footnotes.
Figures (photographs, line drawings, including graphs) should be supplied as a part of the submitted manuscript (if possible) and submitted also as a separate digital files, preferably in the .TIF, .JPG, .GIF or .EPS format. The resolution of colored and gray scale figures should be at least 300 dpi at final size and 600 dpi for black and white figures. Letters and numbers should be kept uniform and be at least 2 mm high when printed.
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