Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2010, 56, 14-18

Cardiotoxic Injury Caused by Chronic Administration of Microcystin-YR

D. Šuput1, R. Zorc-Pleskovič2, D. Petrovič2, Aleksandra Milutinović2

1Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical School of Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Institute of Histology and Embryology, Medical School of Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Received April 2009
Accepted August 2009

Microcystins are cyclic peptide toxins. Chronic intoxication with well-known members of the microcystin family – microcystins-LR – induces liver tumour formation, injury of kidney and heart. Despite worldwide distribution in the environment, the effects of microcystins-YR have not been studied extensively. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether microcystins-YR, in relatively low doses, have a toxic effect on cardiomyocytes of chronically treated rats. Male adult Wistar rats were treated every second day for 8 months with microcystins-YR (10 µg/kg i.p., N = 5). Control groups were treated either with vehicle (ethanol and methanol 4 : 1 v/v; N = 5) or with physiologic saline (N = 4). The heart sections of microcystin-YR-treated rats revealed decreased volume density of cardiac muscle tissue (microcystins-YR = 0.485 mm3/mm3 ± 0.003; vehicle = 0.493 mm3/mm3 ± 0.002; saline = 0.492 mm3/mm3 ± 0.002) due to fibrous proliferation. A few lymphocyte infiltrates were observed. Most of cardiomyocytes were enlarged (microcystins-YR = 20.19 μm ± 1.34, vehicle = 17.45 μm ± 0.52, saline = 16.00 μm ± 1.43), with enlarged and often bizarre-shaped nuclei and decreased myofibril volume fraction (microcystinsYR = 0.416 mm3/mm3 ± 0.009; vehicle = 0.472 mm3/mm3 ± 0.009; saline = 0.479 mm3/mm3 ± 0.010). No TUNEL-positive cells were found in the heart sections of rats in all groups. The results allow the conclusion that chronic exposure to low doses of microcystins-YR may cause atrophy and fibrosis of the heart muscle.


This work was supported by the program grants from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia P30019.


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