Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2010, 56, 263-268

Dynamic Oxidoreductive Potential of Astringent Retraction Agents

Danuta Nowakowska1, J. Saczko2, J. Kulbacka2, A. Choromanska2

1Department of Dental Materials, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland

Received May 2010
Accepted September 2010

The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of the cytotoxicity of gingival margin retraction astringents based on aluminium chloride, aluminium sulphate, and ferric sulphate (solutions and gels) in human fibroblasts isolated from gingiva. The cytocompatibility of ten astringent-based chemical retraction agents: Gingiva Liquid, Alustin, Racestypine, Orbat sensitive, Astringedent®, Alustat, Hemostat, Racécord, Gel cord and ViscoStat®, in dilutions of 1 : 10 and 1 : 20, with human gingival fibroblasts was investigated. The MTT assay was performed to determine oxidoreductive mitochondrial function after 3, 5, 10 min and 24 h of incubation. Cell viability was determined according to the chemical group, concentration, exposure time, and the clinical form of the gingival retraction agents. Ferric sulphate-based agents were the most cytotoxic, followed by aluminium chloride and aluminium sulphate. The form of the astrigents influenced cell viability. The evaluated astringents may have cytotoxic potential for gingival margin tissues under clinical conditions.


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