Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2012, 58, 144-150

The Karyotype of Holoaden luederwaldti (Anura, Strabomantidae), with Report of Natural Triploidy

João R. C. Campos1, I. A. Martins2, C. F. B. Haddad3, S. Kasahara1

1Department of Biology, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
2Department of Biology-IBB, UNITAU, Taubaté, SP, Brazil
3Department of Zoology, UNESP, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil

Received March 2011
Accepted April 2012

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ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

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