Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2014, 60, 123-132

Time Course of Cerebral Hypoperfusion-Induced Neurodegenerative Changes in the Cortex of Male and Female Rats

M. Stanojlović1, A. Horvat1, I. Guševac1, I. Grković1, N. Mitrović1, I. Buzadžić2, Dunja Drakulić1

1Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2Department of Human Genetics and Prenatal Diagnostics, ZVEZDARA University Medical Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia

Received January 2014
Accepted March 2014

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ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

Open access journal

