Fol. Biol. 2014, 60, 192-201

Complementarity between Microarray and Immunoblot for the Comparative Evaluation of IgE Repertoire of French and Italian Cypress Pollen Allergic Patients

Y. Shahali1,2, P. Nicaise3, A. Brázdová4,5, D. Charpin6, E. Scala7, A. Mari8, J. P. Sutra1, S. Chollet-Martin3,9, H. Sēnēchal1, Pascal Poncet1,10

1Armand Trousseau Hospital, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Allergy & Environment Group, Paris, France
2PERSIFLORE®, Le Plessis­Pâté, France
3Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, Auto-immunity & Hypersensitivity Department, Paris, France
4INSERM UMR872, Cordelier Research Centre, Paris, France
5Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Prague, Czech Republic
6North Hospital, Pneumo-Allergology Department, Marseille Cedex 20, France
7IDI-IRCCS, Experimental Allergology Department, Rome, Italy
8CAAM, Latina, Italy
9INSERM UMR 996, Paris-South University, Immunopathology Department, Châtenay-Malabry, France
10Pasteur Institute, Infections & Epidemiology Department, Paris, France

Received January 2014
Accepted April 2014

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