Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2015, 61, 116-123

The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mancozeb-Induced Toxicity in Rat Thymocytes

Voja Pavlovic1, S. Cekic1, B. Kamenov2, M. Ciric1, D. Krtinic3

1Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty University of Nis, Serbia
2Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Centre, Nis, Serbia
3Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Centre, Nis, Serbia

Received February 2015
Accepted March 2015

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ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

Open access journal

