Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2018, 64, 35-40

Notch and Cdk5 in Zebrafish mindbomb Mutant: Co-regulation or Coincidence?

Jyotshna Kanungo1,2, M. T. Goswami3, H. C. Pant2

1Division of Neurotoxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA
2National Institute of Neuronal Disorders and Stroke, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
3National Institute of Children’s Health and Development, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Received May 2018
Accepted May 2018

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ISSN 0015-5500 (Print) ISSN 2533-7602 (Online)

Open access journal

