P. Yilma
Proteomic Interactome of C. elegans Mediator Complex Subunit 28 (MDT-28) Reveals Predominant Association with a Restricted Set of Core Mediator Subunits and an Affinity to Additional Structural and Enzymatic Proteins
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2019, Vol. 65, Issue 5-6, pp. 203-211 -
Valproic Acid Decreases the Nuclear Localization of MDT-28, the Nematode Orthologue of MED28
Markéta Kostrouchová, V. Kostrouchová, P. Yilma, A. Benda, V. Mandys, Marta Kostrouchová
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SMED-TLX-1 (NR2E1) Is Critical for Tissue and Body Plan Maintenance in Schmidtea mediterranea in Fasting/Feeding Cycles
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Elevated and Deregulated Expression of HDAC3 in Human Astrocytic Glial Tumours
P. Libý, M. Kostrouchová, M. Pohludka, P. Yilma, P. Hrabal, J. Sikora, E. Brožová, M. Kostrouchová, J. E. Rall, Zdeněk Kostrouch
2006, Vol. 52, Issue 1-2, pp. 21-33