2007, Volume 53, Issue 5
Original Articles
Neural Differentiation Potentiated by the Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor through STAT3 Signalling in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells
Jiří Pacherník, V. Horváth, L. Kubala, P. Dvořák, A. Kozubík, A. Hampl
pp. 157-163 -
Modulation of the Oxidative Stress and Nuclear Factor κB Activation by Theaflavin 3,3’-gallate in the Rats Exposed to Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion
F. Cai, C. Li, Jiliang Wu, Q. Min, C. Ouyang, M. Zheng, S. Ma, W. Yu, F. Lin
pp. 164-172 -
KCNJ11 E23K Polymorphism and Diabetes Mellitus with Adult Onset in Czech Patients
Pavlína Čejková, P. Novota, M. Černá, K. Kološtová, D. Nováková, P. Kučera, J. Novák, M. Anděl, P. Weber, E. Ždárský
pp. 173-175 -
Halothane Does Not Directly Interact with Genome DNA of A549 Cells
Т. Тopouzova-Hristova, R. Hazarosova, B. Bandreva, Elena Stephanova
pp. 176-182 -
Investigation of Zinc and Copper Levels in Methimazole-Induced Hypothyroidism: Relation with the Oxidant-Antioxidant Status
A. Ata Alturfan, E. Zengin, N. Dariyerli, E. E. Alturfan, M. K. Gumustas, E. Aytac, M. Aslan, N. Balkis, A. Aksu, G. Yigit, E. Uslu, E. Kokoglu
pp. 183-188 -
Differential Diagnosis of Gingival Hyperplasia Based on IFN-γ-Stimulated Gene Expression Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays
Iwona Niedzielska
pp. 189-192