Folia Biologica
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Charles University 

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Fol. Biol. 2011, 57, 26-29

HVRII of mtDNA in Cord Blood Cells of Newborn Children and in Their Saliva 10 Years Later

J. Schmuczerová1, P. Tőrőková2, M. Kujanová2, H. Čechová3, J. Topinka1, M. Dostál1, R. J. Šram1, Radim Brdička3

1Department of Developmental Genotoxicology, Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
2Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Athropology and Human Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic
3Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, Czech Republic

Received August 2010
Accepted September 2010

Comparison of hypervariable region II nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA obtained from cord blood cells and saliva cells of the same individual at birth and after ten years revealed a few differences at the so-called mutation hot spots (three transitions and three indels within the C-tract). The personal identity of samples was proved by short tandem repeat profiling. Comparison of individuals living in two regions that differ by air pollution, however, did not reveal statistically significantly increased number of mutations in the population from the region of poorer environmental conditions, although indicating such tendency.


The present report is based on sample collection performed during the period 1994–2007, which was supported by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic VaV/SL/160/05.


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